QCHCA’s Annual General Meeting was conducted via Zoom. The draft of the minutes can be reviewed here: QCHCA AGM meeting 05.24.2022 Draft V2. Please contact QCHCA for a copy of the Financial Statements for period Jan 1st to December 31st 2021. President, Susan Haddon, presented the President’s Report included in the meeting minutes. A new Board of officers was elected by acclamation: President: Susan Haddon; Vice President: Shawn Newby; Treasurer: Tom Gilman; Membership: Mary Stocks; Secretary: Peter Haddon. John Schmuck continues as QCHCA Past President.
At the conclusion of the AGM, Speaker, Alistair Knox, Youth Network Coordinator for CRFAIR (Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiative Roundtable) spoke about the work of CRFAIR and the affiliated organizations.
Susan expressed her appreciation to our QCHCA Board and all our members for their support through 2021 and 2022.