The following is a message from Julie Lommerse, Saanich Parks, re ‘People, Pets and Parks’
“At the July 5, 2021, Special Council Meeting, Saanich Mayor and Council approved the development of a strategy titled People, Pets and Parks: A District Wide Strategy for Sharing Saanich’s Parks. The goal of the strategy is to conduct a transparent, clear and robust public engagement process, resulting in the development of a shared use framework. That framework will allow Saanich and its park users to achieve positive relationships between people (pet owners and non-pet owners) as well as pets and the environment.”
Saanich is” pleased to announce that Lees+Associates are the selected consultants hired to develop the People, Pets and Parks Strategy. Sub-consultants for the project include: Modus Planning, Design and Engagement (public engagement), LADR Landscape Architects (precedent research), and Mustel Group (market research)”
The first round of public engagement will be beginning soon. Engagement opportunities will be advertised “through a variety of channels (Facebook, Saanich News, posters, etc.) but (Saanich) will also update interested individuals via email.” Interested individuals are encouraged “to self-register for updates by visiting the project webpage, or go directly to the signup form.”