Attracting birds, bees & butterflies to your backyard
For those of you who weren’t able to attend Claudia Copley’s wonderful, informative and engaging zoom presentation on April 26, or if you would like to see it again, she...
Pets in Parks community engagement beginning soon
The following is a message from Julie Lommerse, Saanich Parks, re ‘People, Pets and Parks’ “At the July 5, 2021, Special Council Meeting, Saanich Mayor and Council approved the...
Inspiring others . . .
For years Karen Yearsley has raised a bit of money for Habitat Acquisition Trust by collecting donations in exchange for tomato plants, but was wanting “to simplify finding homes for...
Less is more . . .
Less is more . . . The list below of actions we can take to help mitigate the effects of climate change is an excerpt from an Elizabeth May newsletter...
BC55+ Games Volunteer Awareness Event, 2pm on April 30 @ Saanich Commonwealth Place.
Interested in volunteering for the BC+55 Games? A Volunteer Awareness Event is being held at Saanich Commonwealth Place on April 30 at 2pm. This is the first time that Greater...
Greater Victoria Acting Together (GVAT) mini-workshop on housing crisis in Saanich
‘A Roof for Everyone: GVAT Mini-Workshop on Housing Crisis in Saanich’ is a free event taking place at Broad View United Church, 2625 Arbutus Road, on Saturday, April 23. ...
Lake Hill Lawn Bowling Open House
If you haven’t tried lawn bowling, you and your friends have an opportunity to try it for free! The Lake Hill Lawn Bowling Club invites you to their Open House...
Turtle log back in Kings Pond
Thanks to Friends of Cedar Hill Park members Don Scott and Peter Haddon for towing the missing turtle log back out into the middle of Kings Pond on the weekend...
BEE part of the Solution
Climate Action Group Building Buzz About – Pollinator Corridors. What’s a Pollinator Corridor? Why do we need more pollinators? Ninety percent of flowering plants are dependent entirely, or in...
Victoria Seed Library
LifeCycles Project Society hosts online member orientations as an introduction to the Victoria Seed Library. The orientation includes tips on how to save and sign out seeds. Join them for...
New covered bike rack at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary
Cara Gibson, Executive Director of the Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, sent the above photo and an email to let QCHCA know that “The bike racks are in and...
Celebrate World Wildlife Day
March 3 is World Wildlife Day, a day that celebrates and raises awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. World Wildlife Day has now become the most important global...