Winter craft sale at Swan Lake, noon – 4 pm Nov. 4 and 5
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary will be hosting a winter craft sale from 12 noon – 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday, November 4th and 5th. The sale will...
Presentation on Official Community Plan update
On Wednesday, October 25, Saanich’s Manager of Community Planning Cam Scott gave a presentation on the Official Community Plan update at QCHCA’s general meeting...
Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary celebrates 100 years!
The Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary is celebrating its 100th anniversary and is inviting everyone to celebrate this milestone. From October 26-28, 2023, a coalition of conservation groups...
Shelbourne Community Kitchen looking for community support
Shelbourne Community Kitchen “works to lower barriers to healthy food for over 1100 families and individuals who are living on low income in our community.” Help Shelbourne Community...
Rezoning and redevelopment of 3950 Cedar Hill Road, the Nellie McClung library
The District of Saanich has engaged Island View Land Management (IVLM) to lead the rezoning application of the Nellie McClung Library (3950 Cedar Hill Road). This application will be a...
Saanich inviting applications for Advisory Committees, Boards or Foundations
The District of Saanich is accepting applications from residents wishing to be involved in local government by sitting as a member of an Advisory Committee, Board or Foundation. Appointments effective...
Community engagement re proposed development at 760 Tolmie
Townline has proposed a development for the 700 block of Tolmie Avenue at Oak Street through to Roderick, the site of the former Mayfair Lanes bowling alley. The proposal includes...
Time to refocus on safety in school zones
Time to refocus on safety in school zones By John Ducker Times Colonist, September 1, 2023 According to surveys, nearly one-quarter of drivers have witnessed either a collision or a...
Winter Veg Plants GIVEAWAY Aug 19
Did you know? Your neighbours are growing tasty little vegetable starter plants to give to you, for free! In June, CHUFF’s backyard growers planted 200 kale and broccoli seeds...
Bowker Creek Biodiversity Day – August 12, 1 – 4pm
The Friends of Bowker Creek Society and their partners invite you to a FREE, family-friendly community event on August 12th, 1:00-4:00 pm, at Kings Community Nature Space, to celebrate the...
online event for Abstract Developments proposal for 3589, 3579, 3561 Quadra
Abstract Developments is hosting a community engagement event regarding a proposed mid-rise condo development on the southeast corner of Tattersall and Quadra Streets at 3589, 3579 and 3561 Quadra...
Input into the Official Community Plan update
Saanich’s Official Community Plan is being updated and your input is being sought. Community Associations like ours are being asked to help Saanich Planning spread the word about two upcoming...