Upcoming Quadra McKenzie Study community workshops Jan. 20, 27 and Feb 7
Saanich is seeking community input on draft planning concepts for the Quadra McKenzie area. If you were unable to attend one of the in-person workshops or have additional ideas to...
CRD elector response form re proposed authorization to borrow up to $85M
The CRD is inviting responses from citizens re the proposed bylaw no. 4552 “to authorize borrowing of up to $85M for the CRD’s Land Assembly, Housing and Land Bank Service...
A Better Way to Nourish Livestock by Pippa Norman, The Tyee (with permission)
Reprinted with permission from The Tyee, January 5, 2024 A Better Way to Nourish Livestock Loop Resource gathers what grocers are ready to toss out, providing a more ecological source...
The Compost Education Centre, an amazing local resource
Start the new year off by taking advantage of some of the many programs and services offered by the Compost Education Centre, a local non-profit organization with charitable status providing...
Message from Saanich re Pets in Parks
The following is a message to the community from Saanich Parks: “Thank you for your interest in the development of the People, Pets and Parks Strategy which was approved by...
Help us map pollinator-friendly plants in our neighbourhood!
Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association’s Climate Action group has been working on a pollinator initiative over the past couple of years, beginning with a pollinator walk and talk. This...
Getting to a one planet Saanich – Trevor Hancock’s Nov. 19 column
“Obvious ways to reduce our ecological footprint include switching to a low meat or “flexitarian” diet, reducing food waste and creating compact, walkable “15-minute” neighbourhoods A report on...
Recording of community engagement for Abstract’s proposed dev’t at Quadra and Tattersall
Abstract Development has provided a link to the video recording of the community engagement session that took place from 7 – 9 pm on Wednesday, November 15. You will also...
Community workshops for the Quadra McKenzie Study announced
Saanich is hosting a series of interactive community workshops for the Quadra McKenzie Study (QMS). The study, one of the first of the District’s Centre, Corridor and Village plans, covers...
QCHCA donates $1000 to the Shelbourne Community Kitchen
On October 25, 2023, members of the Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association attending the Association’s general meeting unanimously supported a motion to donate $1000 to the Shelbourne Community...
Nellie McClung Library redevelopment Open Houses, Nov 14 and 16
You are invited to attend an in-person or online open house to learn more about the proposed redevelopment of the Nellie McClung library, including an affordable rental housing complex above...
Holiday Arts & Craft Fair at Cedar Hill Rec Centre, Nov. 19
Cedar Hill Studio Artists invite you to our annual sale of pottery, art, crafts, jewelry, and more! The Fair takes place at the Cedar Hill Rec and Arts Centre in...