The Cecelia Creek Falls Park Project Moves Forward
After a long journey that began in 2006, we are delighted that on February 3rd 2020 Saanich Council directed staff to report how to achieve Cecelia Creek Falls Park as...
All Saanich Public Hearings cancelled until further notice
We have been advised by Tara DaSilva, Saanich’s Senior Committee Clerk, that all Saanich Public Hearings have been cancelled until further notice due to cautionary measures regarding COVID-19...
QCHCA’s March 24 AGM postponed
Dear members and friends of Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association, Given the current situation around COVID-19 and encouragement for us all to exercise social distancing measures to help...
Community planning presentation by Cam Scott, January 28
Cam Scott, Manager of Community Planning, was the guest speaker at our January 28 meeting. His presentation on Saanich’s community planning process included demographic and housing profiles, a...
New pedestrian crosswalk on Blenkinsop at Judge Place
Coming soon! A new pedestrian crosswalk on Blenkinsop at Judge Place! We reported last August that the new crosswalk would be started in the Fall but have now heard from...
Carey Newman’s Earth Drums “create music of and for the earth”
A new permanent public artwork, commissioned by Saanich to commemorate Canada’s 150th anniversary, was unveiled this past September at Cedar Hill Park. Named ‘Earth Drums’, the work...
Arts and culture
If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to visit the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill Arts & Rec Centre, 3220 Cedar Hill Road. The two gallery spaces (main...
University Heights redevelopment
Wesbild Holdings Ltd. has filed its application for redevelopment of the University Heights shopping centre with Saanich. An Open House to unveil the updated plan was held on December 4...
Quadra Corridor Plan delayed
Major plans have been undertaken for the Uptown Douglas Corridor and the Shelbourne Valley and Saanich proposes to work with the community to create a Quadra Corridor plan as part...
BC Assessment releases 2020 figures for region
According to a Saanich News article on the recently released BC Assessment figures for the region, “average assessments dropped by three per cent in both assessment areas of Saanich to...
President’s welcome . . .
A belated Happy New Year and an enthusiastic welcome to QCHCA’s new website completely rebuilt by the volunteer effort of our website team and our members. Our investment of time...
Update to Capital Regional District (CRD) growth strategy unveiled
The recently updated Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) identifies two key housing-related priorities integral to the long term livability and sustainability of the region: 1) the development of policies...