Vicki Sanders’ virtual heritage tour
Vicki Sanders gave a wonderful virtual heritage tour of the Quadra area on February 16 during Heritage week. In case you missed it, you can watch the tour by copying...
Free, fully-funded 3-month course starts Feb 22
If you live on Vancouver Island, are currently un- or under-employed and want certification in the building supply, warehousing and distribution field, this free, fully-funded 3-month training program...
Letter from Mayor Haynes re public engagement response during Covid
Below is a message from Mayor Haynes to Community Associations re community engagement efforts during the continuing Covid times, for your information. Hello Community Associations and SCAN, Please...
Draft Saanich poster on student rentals
Mayor Haynes has circulated a draft poster with information on student rentals to QCHCA and other CAs, as well as student societies, for feedback before it’s published. Please have a...
Community Living Victoria development proposal update
Some of you may be aware that Community Living Victoria has applied for rezoning of its property on Cedar Hill Crossroad to construct a 41-unit affordable housing complex with 20%...
Mayor Haynes’ annual address to Saanich Citizens
Mayor Haynes has asked Community Associations to pass along his 2020 Annual Address in which he “describes a series of highlights achieved in Saanich this past year and then takes us...
Notice of Public Hearing on Non-medical Cannabis Store Licences
Saanich will be holding a Public Hearing on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 at 7PM to allow the public to make verbal or written representation to Council with respect to proposed applications...
Naming the new park
Saanich Parks has asked us to provide input into the naming of the new property donated by Mr. Brian Patriquin in his will. Our input is requested by mid-December so...
Braefoot’s The Great Adventure
Braefoot’s ‘The Great Adventure’ is a photo scavenger hunt around Saanich and the surrounding municipalities with teams of up to six people. The funds raised are used for bursaries...
Know what to flush
Did you know? CRD Environmental Services is asking citizens to be aware of the types of items we should not be flushing down our toilets as they can clog drains...
Crosswalk improvements on Braefoot at Harrop
Saanich Engineering has advised QCHCA that it is “currently in the detailed design phase” of a crosswalk improvement project on Braefoot at Harrop, with construction anticipated to begin...
Cedar Hill Park Management Plan going to Council October 19
The Cedar Hill Park Management Plan 2020-2040 will be going to Saanich Council for approval at its regular meeting on October 19. The report from Parks is part of Council’s...