The list below, alphabetized by street name, is created and regularly maintained by QCHCA’s Development and Land Use Action Group. Additional useful information, including site plans and elevations, on those development applications that have already been submitted to Saanich Planning are available on Saanich’s website. Because Local Areas do not match exactly with the various Community Association boundaries and because some developments that lie outside QCHCA boundaries may be of interest to our community, you may want to check out Active Developments in Quadra, Saanich Core, North Quadra and Shelbourne areas.
982, 986,988 Annie/975, 981, 985 McKenzie: GIC Developments Ltd. proposes to rezone from RS-10, RS-6, PS-1 zones to RA-11 Apartment zone to construct 126 units in two apartment buildings. Variances are requested. Status: QCHCA has submitted its letter to Saanich Planning.
1910 Argyle Ave/3327 Richmond Road: Molte Bene Enterprises proposes to consolidate two existing RS-12 zoned parcels and resubdivide to create four lots with a site specific single family zone. Site plan submitted.
1542 Athlone Drive: IQUBE Developments proposal to create one additional lot under current RS-10 single family zoning for a total of two lots. Status: Application submitted to Planning June 2019. QCHCA submitted comments. Conditional approval granted.
3918 Blenkinsop Road: Derek Walsh proposal to create one additional lot for single family dwelling use under the current RS-6 zoning. Status: Application submitted to Planning September 2019. QCHCA has spoken with proponent, neighbours contacted by CA. Initial letter sent to Planning January 29 prior to neighbour contact; subsequent letter to be sent incorporating neighbour comments.
3960 Blenkinsop Road: Reed Harris proposal to create one panhandle lot and one standard lot from existing half acre lot under the existing RS-10 zone. Status: Application submitted to Planning October 2019. QCHCA met with proponent February 20. QCHCA submitted its letter to Planning in March 2021. A revised plan was submitted to Saanich Planning on July 29, 2022
1525 Cedar Hill Cross Road: Luther Court Society and Lutheran Church of the Cross proposal to rezone from Cedar Hill and Cedar Cross Land Use Contract, P-1 (Assembly) & RS-6 (Single Family Dwelling) to a site specific zone to construct a 6 storey 90 units mixed use intergeneration housing development to replace existing residential wing of Luther Court Society Building. Status: This proposal is in the Mount Tolmie CA area. QCHCA attended two neighbourhood meetings and the application was submitted to Planning August 2019. Proposal went to Advisory Design Panel in December 2020. QCHCA has yet to submit a letter. Here is the staff report to Council being considered at its meeting on Monday, November 22, 7pm, the outcome of which will determine if the proposal will go to Public Hearing
1538 Cedar Hill Cross Road: Highgate Lodge proposal to rezone from RM-5 zone and C-4 zone to a site specific for the purpose of constructing a six storey, 102 unit senior’s housing and complex care on the west side of the block while retaining the existing senior’s residence on the east side of the block. Status: This project is in Mount Tolmie CA. QCHCA attended a meeting with the proponent and the application was submitted to Planning August 2019. No letter yet submitted from QCHCA.
3281 Cedar Hill Road: Large & Co. proposal to Rezone from RS-6 (Single Family Dwelling) zone to RT-FC (Attached Housing Four Corners) zone to construct 4 new homes (2 Single Family Dwellings and 1 Duplex). Status: This proposal is to the east of QCHCA boundaries. QCHCA attended the neighbourhood meeting, the application was submitted to Planning October 2019 and QCHCA has submitted its letter.
3494 Cedar Hill Road: Molto Bene Enterprises proposal to rezone one RS-6 lot to a new site specific zone and subdivide resulting in a total of three bare land strata lots. Status: Application submitted to Planning July 2018. In progress. QCHCA attended community meeting and has submitted letter to Planning October 23, 2019. The proposal was approved to go to Public Hearing at the Council meeting held Dec 14, 2020
3700 Cedar Hill Road: Dawson Heights proposal to rezone from RP-1 (Residential Personal Care Zone) to RA-3 (Apartment Zone) to construct a 4 storey 85 unit residential apartment building for seniors. Status: QCHCA has attended two meetings with proponent, two community meetings. Application submitted to Planning. QCHCA has submitted its letter.
3907/3909 Cedar Hill Road: A rezoning and development permit application by GS2 Developments Ltd. to rezone from the RS-6 Single Family Dwelling to the RT-5 (Attached Housing) Zone to construct a 12-unit townhouse project. Parking variances will be required. This project is in Mount Tolmie CA but adjacent to QCHCA’s boundary. QCHCA has submitted its letter.
3851 Cedar Hill X Road: Joe Newell Architect Inc. has applied to rezone from P-1 to a CD Zone to construct a mixed use development with 41 residential units, administration offices, play area and day use programs for the Community Living Society along with the retention of the heritage building. Variances are requested. Status: In progress. The site plan submitted can be seen here..
3861 Cedar Hill X Road – Makola Development Services is working with Community Living Victoria to prepare an application for development on their site. Members of QCHCA’s Board and neighbours to the north of the site attended several meetings with Makola, the architect and members of CLV’s management to date but the project has been paused while CLV awaits information on funding. For more information, go to
1381 Charles Place: Jo-Anne Richards request to vary DPR80-0003 to demolish carport and construct an attached garage. Status: Application submitted to Planning. QCHCA has yet to have contact with proponent, submit letter to Planning.
3447, 3449, 3451, 3461 Cook Street: Merdyn Group Holdings Limited proposal to rezone from C-2 & RS-6 to RT-WA to construct four 8-unit attached housing buildings. Status: Proposal approved by Saanich, construction has not yet begun but properties have now been sold. QCHCA has yet to hear from new owner(s).
1400 Derby Road: Saanich Parks proposal to rezone from P-4 (Recreation and Open Space) Zone to P-4HR Zone to allow for retail sales and health services. Application to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALR) for a non-farm use is also requested. Status: In progress. QCHCA submitted letter. Application to the ALR was rejected but the decision can be challenged by proponent.
3319 Douglas – Aryze Developments proposes to construct a six-storey residential building with 169 rental units. The proposal is in the Saanich Core area, currently part of Mount View Colquitz CA, on the site of the old Mayfair Lanes.
3415 Douglas – Proposal to rezone from C-8 (Service Station) Zone to a commercial zone to construct a two storey commercial building with pharmacy and retail space on ground floor and offices on the second floor
1242-1246 Judge Place: application to subdivide two existing RS-6 zoned lots to create 2 panhandle lots and one standard lot resulting in a total of three lots. Status: In progress. QCHCA submitted letter.
3941 Lasalle Street: Nickolaos Ghinis proposal to create one additional lot under existing RS-6 zoning resulting in a total of two lots. Variances for lot width are requested for each proposed lot. Status: QCHCA has met with proponent and several neighbours. Application submitted to Planning December 2019. QCHCA has submitted its letter to Planning.
3200 Linwood Avenue: ZGF Cotter Architects Inc. proposal to rezone from RA-1 (apartment zone) to RA-3 (apartment zone) to construct 97 units for affordable senior’s housing. Variances for building height, setback, visitor’s parking, and site coverage are required. Status: Application submitted to Planning November 2018. QCHCA has submitted letter to Planning March 13.
801, 811, 821 McKenzie Avenue: 801 McKenzie Developments Ltd. (Abstract Developments) has submitted a Rezoning and Development Permit application for a 7 storey mixed-use building with 104 residential units and 1 commercial unit. Status: In progress. The site plan submitted can be seen here.
804, 812, 820 McKenzie Avenue: Urban West Architecture proposal to rezone from RS-10 to a site specific zone to accommodate the construction of a 43-unit multi-family building. Status: This proposal is in North Quadra CA area but adjacent to the Rainbow area of QCHCA. Application submitted to Planning December 2018. No letter has been requested/submitted by QCHCA.
970, 974 McKenzie Avenue/4015, 4017 Saanich Road: Eric Barker Architect Inc. proposal to rezone from RS-6 and RS-10 to a new site specific zone to construct a 45 unit strata residential development comprising a 5-storey, 37 unit apartment and 8 townhouses. Variances are requested for siting, height and parking. Status: Application submitted to Planning November 2019. In progress. This proposal is in North Quadra CA area north of QCHCA boundary. No letter has been submitted by QCHCA.
1555 McKenzie Avenue: MCM Partnership Architects proposal to rezone from C2 Zone to a site-specific zone to construct a 407 unit, six storey mixed use residential and commercial project. Status: Application submitted to Planning in November 2020. See plans here In progress. This proposal is in Mount Tolmie CA area northeast of the QCHCA boundary. We submitted a letter in March 2021
Nigel Valley Development: Nigel Valley Development Project development site includes 12 properties owned and operated by a variety of non-profit organizations or government agencies providing housing, residential care services and day programming. The proposal is to rezone to a site specific comprehensive development zone. A development permit to approve a Master Development Plan and discharge of a Land Use Contract is also requested. Status: Proposal submitted, site-specific comprehensive development zone approved. Status: In progress.
3572 to 3588 Quadra Street: Pacific Development Services is working with owners of these three properties, one of which is heritage-listed, on a proposal to develop a four-storey condo building on the site. Three members of the Board met with the developer and one of the owners in late January. A neighbourhood meeting was held in July 2020 to present the proposal. The proposal was submitted to Saanich in December, 2020 and neighbourhood input is being sought. See the submission here
3589, 3579, 3561 Quadra Street: Abstract Development is considering creating up to six units in renovated existing heritage property and 15 additional new townhomes. Status: QCHCA has met with Abstract. Neighbourhood meeting held in December 2019. Proposal submitted to Planning December 20. QCHCA has submitted its letter to Planning. Abstract was able to purchase the house on the southeast corner of Tattersall and Quadra and have the heritage property removed from heritage-listed status. On September 22, 2023 they held their second public meeting to hear from neighbours.
3839, 3851, 3861 Quadra Street: Abstract Development proposal to rezone from the RS-6 (single family dwelling) zone to a new site specific zone, and a development permit, to construct a 6-storey, 78 unit strata-titled apartment with underground and surface parking. Variances are requested. Status: QCHCA has met with proponent a number of times and attended four community meetings. Proposal has been resubmitted to Planning after receipt of deficiencies letter. QCHCA submitted letter after first submission and a second letter after the resubmission. The project was approved at the Public Hearing, September 21, 2021
3921, 3925, 3933 Quadra (at St. Peter’s) – Proposal to construct a 65-unit, 5 storey apartment building, to rezone from RS-6 single family dwelling to C-2BW commercial/apartment zone. Variances requested. Planning application is here
3977 Rainbow Street: Abstract Development proposal to rezone from RS-6 to a new comprehensive zone and to construct a 25-unit town-home project. Status: Application submitted to Planning December 2019 and a resubmission made in the spring/summer of 2020 . QCHCA met with proponent, neighbourhood meeting held and a proposal and resubmission have gone in to Saanich. QCHCA has submitted its second letter to Planning based on Abstract’s resubmission.
The project was approved after two public hearings on February 28, 2023
4011 Rainbow Street: Norman Webb proposal to create five additional strata lots under current RS-6 zoning, for single family dwelling use. A copy of the Traffic Impact Study is here. Status: Application submitted to Planning June 2018. QCHCA has not had contact with proponent nor submitted a letter.
752 Ralph Street: J. Tacon proposal to rezone existing property to create four housing units. Status: QCHCA met with proponent. Neighbourhood meeting held. Application not yet submitted to Planning.
3684 Saanich Road: M.H. Johnson & Associates Inc. proposal to construct a two storey duplex. Status: Application submitted to Planning September 2019. QCHCA has submitted its letter to Planning.
3353 Salsbury Way: Kors Development Services proposal to rezone from RS-6 Zone to RS-1 Zone, creating 3 fee simple lots and 4 strata lots for a total of 7 lots. The site plan submitted to Saanich can be seen here. Status: A neighbourhood meeting was held at the Cedar Hill Golf Clubhouse on Thursday, April 27, 2023. QCHCA has not sent in its letter to Planning yet.
3448 Salsbury Way: Love Developments proposal to subdivide to create five bare lot stratas. Status: QCHCA submitted letter to Saanich. Conditional approval granted for subdivision. The Conditional Approval letter dated June 14, 2019 expired on June 15, 2020. A subsequent Conditional Approval letter dated July 3 is valid until June 15, 2021
3956 Shelbourne Street/3955 Cedar Hill Road (University Heights): Wesbild Holdings Ltd. proposal to redevelop a portion of the site as a mixed use commercial/residential development including 528 dwelling units. Variances are requested. Status: Application resubmitted to Planning May 2020. QCHCA has met with proponent twice and attended two community open houses. Letter to community from Wesbild, the developer, detailing changes to plans based on community input is here. QCHCA letter to Council submitted August 2020. Wesbild “made the decision to “pause” this $230-million renewal project” in October 2020. This project was approved at a public hearing on November 16, 2021. See report here
1291 Tracksell Avenue: Kasapi Construction proposal to subdivide to create 1 additional lot for single family dwelling under current RS-6 zoning resulting in a total of 2 lots. Several members of QCHCA Board met with Kasapi on site. Community meeting planned for February 9, 3 – 5pm, at Cedar Hill Rec Centre, multi-purpose room. Letter submitted to Planning February 22, 2020. Planning responded to Kasapi re the proposal on December 17, 2020 re “outstanding items that need resolution prior to further consideration of (the) proposed subdivision”. Saanich purchased the property from Kasapi for “a
1239 Union Road: Cam Pringle proposal to rezone from RS-6 to RS-6 and RS-4 to create one additional lot for single family dwelling, resulting in a total of two lots. A variance is requested in regard to servicing requirements. Status: Application submitted to Planning June 2019. QCHCA met with proponent, neighbour meeting held, QCHCA has submitted letter to Planning. Council approved motion to send to Public Hearing where it passed.
Uptown Douglas Corridor: Saanich Planning project to engage with the community to develop a master plan for this urban corridor. QCHCA participated on the working group over several years, attended open houses and hosted Planning at one of our monthly meetings to unveil the latest draft of the Plan. Status: QCHCA has submitted a response to Planning.
3290 Wicklow Street: Epic Project Management proposes to construct a new 92.8 m2 garden suite on a large lot. Variances requested. Status: In progress. The site plan submitted can be seen here. A report to Council was received Oct. 31, 2022.