Do you already grow food in your backyard? Would you like to start? Join CHUFF – Cedar Hill Urban Food Farmers is a growing group of folk who live within Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association’s boundaries (now including Swan Lake) who already grow their own food, or who want to start their own first garden, or who wish to support local, sustainable food producers.
Whether you have a backyard chockablock with beds for vegetables and fruit trees, or you have a couple of prized tomato pots on your balcony, you are an urban food grower. Welcome!
CHUFF’s goals are to: share skills, information, and practical support to increase sustainable organic food production in our neighbourhoods. If you want to learn to grow your own, we have experience to share.
We’re keen to expand our community’s understanding of food security, and in this time of climate crisis we find ‘growing our own’ helps us live more lightly on this good Earth. Spring 2022 is CHUFF’s start up season and we imagine activities like visiting each other’s gardens, sharing tips on good growing, swapping seeds, seasonal food sharing, preserving the harvest, QCHCA-sponsored guest speakers… and more. CHUFF’s activities will be driven by what garners the support of members. Here’s what some are saying so far:
Need someone to tend my garden while I’m away on holiday this summer. Happy to exchange for mentoring / harvest of veg so no food is wasted while I’m away.
Happy to share our 30 year experience growing food here e.g. raised beds, building soil, planting plans…
Might want to co-buy a truck load of compost
We’ve just moved in, have not grown food before, would love to visit neighbours’ plots to learn
We’ve been growing food for years and each year work towards higher levels of self-sufficiency. My husband and I are both passionate about local food systems and would love to be involved with any local initiatives.
Yes, I’d be happy to have other gardeners, new gardeners, young families tour our garden in the interest of sharing ideas and increasing organic production in the neighborhood.
Essentially CHUFF can be what folks want or need it to be. If you are already a avid gardener – what do you need? What would you be willing to share? If you are new to growing good food – what do you want to learn to grow this year?
The formation of CHUFF is inspired by G-TUF, the Gorge-Tillicum Urban Food Farmers group which includes 160-some households in the Gorge Tillicum Community Association neighbourhood.