Get Involved with our vibrant, dynamic and sustainable community
Whatever your skills, interests and availability there are many ways for you to get involved with QCHCA or many other community organizations in our area. Please scroll down to see all your options: QCHCA public meetings with speakers; Board meetings; Become a Board member; participate in one of our Action Groups; and submit your photos and articles for our website.

QCHCA Public Meetings with Speakers
Please join us on the 4th Tuesday of alternate months (September, November, January, March and May) in the Seniors Wing of the Rec Centre from 7 - 9 pm when we host a variety of speakers at our informative meetings. Past topics have included community issues, the natural environment, emergency preparedness and ways to improve personal health and wellness. To find out more or to join our eblast list, email us at You can see our upcoming events by clicking here.

QCHCA Board Meetings
All community members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. These are held at Cedar Hill Recreation Centre on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 - 9 pm (reception will let you know which room). Find out what is happening in your community association, the issues that affect your neighbourhood and how your association is at work in the community. Currently these meetings are being held via Zoom.

Would you like to join QCHCA Board of Directors?
If you are interested in becoming a QCHCA board member to volunteer on one of our Action Groups or as a Area Representative, we invite you to submit an outline of your skills, abilities and interests to the President of the association. Previous experience serving on a board of directors is helpful but not required. Please email: Areas within our QCHCA's boundaries are shown here.

Join a QCHCA Action Group
QCHCA Action Groups tackle community issues and opportunities:
- Land Use and Development: Tracks development applications, serves as trusted source of information, attends developer's public meetings, communicates with Saanich.
- Traffic and Safety: Helps our community be informed represented on all matters concerning pedestrian, cyclist and motorists safety.
- Climate Action: A new group has been established to help our community reduce its carbon footprint, to increase our climate adaptability, to contribute to food sustainability and to inform and engage.
- Events and Outreach: Plans and arranges speakers for QCHCA meetings and organizes annual events.

Photography and Website
Are you a keen photographer? QCHCA would love to showcase your photographs as part of our online community presence. We are fortunate to have some wonderful photographs provided by Chrisa Hotchkiss, Leonard Butt, Roger Harmston and other QCHCA members. Please submit your photos of people, architecture, nature and events in our great community. For more information please email: