Get Involved with QCHCA
QCHCA has public general meetings with speakers, QCHCA Board meetings, you may be interested in joining our Board, helping with QCHCA's website, membership, QCHCA events, submitting photographs for our publications, or to participate in one of QCHCA's 'Action Groups'. Please click here.

Get Involved - Community Organizations
Our neighbourhood has some wonderful community groups who are always pleased to have support from volunteers. These groups would love to hear from you. Please click here for more information.

Get Involved - QCHCA Climate Action Group
The Climate Action Group has recently formed to help our community by providing information to help reduce CO2 emissions in your home and associated with transportation; to help you adapt to the effects of climate change; to assist with food security; to take action to plant trees and other carbon sequestering plants; to sustain ecosystems and biodiversity. For more information please click here.

Get Involved - QCHCA Traffic and Safety Group
QCHCA's Traffic and Safety Action Group has the objectives to reduce increase the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists by publishing road safety information; identifying road safety issues and hazards; to work with schools and Saanich Engineering, Police and Planning to monitor and act to improve all aspects of road and trail safety.

Get Involved - QCHCA Events and Outreach
QCHCA's Events and Outreach Action Group schedules all the Association's speakers for general meetings; special annual events like Music in the Park held at Rutledge Park; and one-off meetings such as All Candidate Election events. Please click here to see our Events Page.