Community planning presentation by Cam Scott, January 28
Cam Scott, Manager of Community Planning, was the guest speaker at our January 28 meeting. His presentation on Saanich’s community planning process included demographic and housing profiles, a housing needs report, plans and policies to guide decision-making and future local area planning work.
The audience found the presentation very informative, especially some of the statistics comparing Saanich with the CRD in terms of demographics and trends as they relate to housing and housing affordability.
Cedar Hill Park Management Plan being finalized
The community had until March 11 to provide any further input and feedback to the most recent draft of the Cedar Hill Park Management Plan before it is finalized and goes forward to Council. This plan has been several years in the making and will inform actions in the Park over the next 20 years. Even if you did not have time to submit your thoughts, you will still have an opportunity to speak to Council when the Plan is presented. We will be advising you of the date as soon as we are made aware. QCHCA submitted a response to Parks on the Plan.