QCHCA Executive and Area Directors
QCHCA's Board has six officers and nine area representatives for a total board membership of 15. Each area representative is the primary liaison to one of nine neighbourhoods within the Quadra Cedar Hill area. For more information on our QCHCA board members, please click here.
For a map of QCHCA's neighbourhoods, please click here.


Serving the Community Since 1996
Founded in 1996 by a small group of passionate and committed individuals QCHCA is one of the largest community associations in Victoria. What makes it special is the enthusiasm each member has for building and sustaining a vibrant, caring community, founded on shared values.

Our Mission
The mission of the QCHCA is to be an advocate and trusted resource for sustainability, vibrancy and engagement in our community.
What we do
The purposes of the Association are:
- to be a voice for residents in the Quadra Cedar Hill area on topics that affect the area,
- to support the initiatives of the various neighbourhoods and residential area in the Quadra Cedar Hill area,
- to act as a resource, and source of information on community matters to the neighbourhoods and residential areas in the Quadra Cedar Hill area,
- to examine and act upon any municipal, regional or provincial issue which is the common concern of the residents of the Quadra Cedar Hill area.

Our Values
- Inclusivity
- Open and honest communication
- Fairness and impartiality
- Consensus-seeking
- Community pride and well-being
- Welcoming and approachable nature
- Environmental stewardship
- Balance
- Action-orientation

QCHCA Bylaws and Constitution
Our constitution and bylaws developed by our to conform with the BC Societies Act. Please click here to see the complete current texts of QCHCA's bylaw and constitution documents.